Tis the season to be... selfish?
Sue Mort, MNCS (Accredited), MBACP, BA Couns/Psych, Sup Dip, Couns Dip
Published on 16th December, 2024
Are you saying "Yes" to hosting the festivities when inside you’re screaming "No! I need a break"? Or are you saying "No" to invitations to spend the holidays in a new way when you’re desperate to shout, "Heck Yeah, I'm there!"

A brief 'what', 'when', 'how' and 'why' of grief counselling
Sue Mort, MNCS (Accredited), MBACP, BA Couns/Psych, Sup Dip, Couns Dip
Published on 29th November, 2024
Grief is often assumed to be only about the death of a beloved person or pet, but it could be said that all change is loss and so we can grieve when a relationship breaks down or when we lose a job through redundancy or retirement, or maybe after a change in domestic circumstances, perhaps when adult children leave home.

Death, Depression, Counselling and Me
Sue Mort, MNCS (Accredited), MBACP, BA Couns/Psych, Sup Dip, Couns Dip
Published on 23rd September, 2024
My first brush with depression occurred at the age of 29, the main issue being a preoccupation with my own mortality, that of others and the fact that, well putting it bluntly, we all going die someday!