About Me

I have been in private practice since 2011 and hold a BA (First Class Hons, 2008) in Counselling and Psychology, 1st class MA in Buddhist Studies (Dist, 2019) a Diploma in Counselling (2011), and I am ASIST (suicide intervention) trained. Reiki 2 qualified. Applied Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, 2022) Key 2 Empowerment. certified practitioner. Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy (Dip.Hyp, 2023) from The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy. Diploma in Supervision (2024), The Link Centre. Certified Spiritually Aligned Therapist/Coach, (2024), International Association of Therapists.
I originally came to counselling in 1997 volunteering with both the Samaritans (Bridgend) and Cruse Cymru (Neath/Port Talbot). I studied for the PG Certificate in Counselling Skills at the University of Wales College Newport in 1998-99, and then later attained my Diploma in Counselling Theory and Practice with Well Training Ltd, Swansea. The practical component of the diploma was conducted at a local GP's practice and a drug and alcohol harm reduction agency and this experience is proving invaluable now.
I abide by the ethical guidelines of the BACP, of which I am a member. I am also an accredited professional registrant member of the National Counselling Society and have public liability insurance with Howdens. As stipulated by these bodies, I continue to undergo regular professional supervision where I receive guidance and support from a highly qualified practitioner.
Now offering Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - a complementary self-healing tool that uses the body's natural stress reduction points, as in acupressure and acupuncture, to produce rapid change. Stimulating these points while focusing on current difficulties or challenging past experiences has been scientifically demonstrated to quickly reduce depression, anxiety and phobias. EFT can also potentially improve mood, boost vitality and positivity, and impact work or sports performance. It can also be applied to other common conditions including pain*, fears, addictions**, cravings, weight management, insomnia and guilt.
*Pain - Consultation required with your medical professional beforehand and not recommended if there have been recent changes to medication or symptoms. **Addiction - Not recommended in circumstance where severe withdrawal symptoms can be experienced eg opioids or sometimes alcohol, ie if physical dependence is present.